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Evolution of Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government


Evolution of Taipei City Government Department of Civil Affairs
Major Events
1945 The Department of Civil Affairs
(DCA) was established in November 1945 with
6 divisions: Administration, Civil Registry, Business Commerce and Industry,
Social Welfare, Cooperation, Forestry and Animal Industry.After restructuring,
the Department was organized into 3 divisions (Administrative Services,
Local Governance, and Civil Registry Divisions), and 2 additional offices
(Personnel and Accounting Offices) were also established.The total number of
departmental staff was 84 employees.DCA also established  2 sections: Land and National Military Service Conscription, and managed 2 sites-( Taipei Zhongshan Hall and Martyr’s Shrine).
1957 The Department of Social Welfare was established in 1957.Affairs originally
falling within the jurisdiction of the Social Welfare Division of the Department
of Civil Affairs were then transferred to the newly created  Department of Social Welfare.
1967 The Department of Construction was established in 1967 to manage the government
portfolio transferred from the Department of Civil Affairs for administration
of businesses and industries
; it also received the responsibilities in the
fields of
forestry, fishing, and animal
husbandry related guidance, and market management affairs 
from the Department of Finance.
1969 The management of Martyr’s Shrine was transferred to the Archive Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense,
while the Civil Registry Division was transferred to the Taipei Police Department in 1969. In 1971,
the Department of Land was established and the Confucius Temple Administrative Council was added to the Department.
1971 The Department of Land was administratively elevated in 1971, and Taipei Land Office
opened three additional offices (Jiancheng, Songshan, and Guting). The Surveying Team was also expanded,
becoming a Surveying Brigade.
1972 In May 1972, department staffing underwent reductions in force, bringing
the total number of  employees to 68. In 1974, Executive Yuan approved reorganization of the
departmental administrative jurisdiction portfolio. The subordinate units included Department of Compulsory Military Service, Taipei Zhongshan Hall, Confucius Temple, and Taipei City Archives.
1979 The Department of Compulsory Military Service was administratively elevated in 1979, and Taipei Zhongshan Hall was placed under its control in 1980. In 1986, the subordinate units of Taipei Zhongshan Hall were eliminated.
1993 To ensure the independence of civil registry matters from police affairs, all household registration offices of Taipei City were reassigned
fall under the department in 1993. Meanwhile, the Department established
the Fourth Division to govern civil registries and oversight of all household registration offices, while Administrative Office and Government Ethics Office were also established.
1996 The Indigenous Peoples Commission was established in 1996, to provide governance and counseling for indigenous peoples affairs upon transfer of the Department’s responsibilities.
1998 The Systems Administration Office was established in 1998.
1999 The Department of Cultural Affairs was established in 1999. Both Taipei City Archives and Taipei Zhongshan Hall
were transferred to the new agency.
2002 Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission was established in 2002.
Responsibilities related to Hakka affairs
- originally within the jurisdiction of the Department -were transferred
to the new agency.
2009 In 2009, the Department’s 4 divisions and 5 offices were restructured as 5 divisions and 5 offices to better comport with their respective jurisdictional mandates. . The divisions were renamed the “District Administration Oversight Division”, “Local Governance Division”, “Religion and Traditions Division” and “Civil Registry Division”, with one additional “Population Policy Division”. As part of the restructuring within Taipei City Government, Taipei Mortuary Services Office originally under Department of Social Welfare was reassigned to this Department from September 21st, 2009. This restructuring aligns mortuary services management of Taipei as a part of the municipal civil affairs portfolio conforming to the uniform practice of other localities nationwide.