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Face masks mandatory on public transportations! Refusing to put on a mask could be fined between NT$3,000 to NT$15,000!

In order to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to help public transportation passengers feel safe, on April 4 the Central Epidemic Command Center announced that all public transportation passengers are required to wear a face mask. A warning will be given to passengers without face masks, those refuse to comply will be fined NT$3,000 to NT$15,000.

In compliance with the announcement made by the Central Epidemic Command Center on April 4, Taipei City has started the enforcement of the new face mask mandate on April 5. Those without face masks will not be permitted to take a bus or enter into Taipei Metro ticket gates. We ask all public transportation passengers to follow the safety rules and wear a face mask at all times to protect the health of yourselves and others.

Buses, MRT cars and other public transportations are considered to be enclosed space. To avoid the risk of virus infection, started on April 4, public transportation operators are required to advise those who wants to ride the public transportation without a mask to put on a mask. Public transportation operators can deny service to those refuse to put on a face mask and issue a fine between NT$3,000 to NT$15,000 in accordance with Article 70 of the Communicable Disease Control Act. In extreme cases, public transportation operators can notify the police and enforce the face mask mandate in accordance with the Social Order Maintenance Act. Public transportation passengers can wear any type of face masks, and not limited to surgical masks. Taipei City asks passengers to refrain from talking when taking public transportations and keep a safe social distance to mitigate the chance of contracting a disease through the mouth. Finally, Taipei City would like to remind all residents, if you are experiencing a fever or respiratory issues (e.g. coughing), use personal protective measures, and do not take public transportations to avoid infecting others. Go to a hospital for medical treatment.

Public Service Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8OPy0RH0tlI#